About Us
Sharv Polyplast Pvt Ltd is manufacturer and supplier of plastic injection moulded
products & Manufacturer of Moulds for Plastic Injection Moulded Products.

Plastic injection Molding From 50 to 250 tons

Custom Plastic Manufacturing

Mould Design & Manufactiring

Complete Assembly & Sub Assembly's

3d Printing

customer satisfaction , enriching partnerships & building relations.

Our Mission
Sharv Polyplast is customer centric leading plastic injection moulding company serving wide range of industries.
- To become a leader in Plastic Industry.
- Strive to provide outstanding professional service by providing quality plastic component & mould manufacturing services in affordable manner.
- Contribute to growth of plastic industry.
- Make global footprint of company & Make INDIA proud worldwide
Our Features
Our skilled technicians are capable of meeting and even exceeding the customer’s demands on Quality with the help of State-of art lathed complex machining technology and unique manufacturing process.
Tooling Dept.
Tooling Dept. has about 23 professional mould makers. We can produce 100~120 sets of moulds per year,
Quality control inspection tool
Mold Checking Team has 2 Mold checking engineers.
They check the manufacturing process and inspect the moulds.
Technical Dept.
Technical Dept. has 2 engineers, who are specialized to do DFM (Design For Manufacturability) and Moldflow.
Design Dept.
Design Dept. has 5 design engineers, they use Catia, DelCam, Uni-Graphics, AutoCAD to design and program
Manufacturing Facilities
MilaCron 150 Ton Nova Servo
- Climping Force 150 tons.
- Screw Cylinder injection Press 1731 Bar.
- Shot Weight 336 Gram
Toshiba 150 tons TS Servo
- Climping Force 150 tons.
- Screw Cylinder injection Press 2022 Bar.
- Shot Weight 402 Gram
Pinnacle VMC
- Tabel Size 1200X750 mm
- Load Capacity 3500kg
- Spindal Speed 7000-10000 RPM
- Controller MITSUBISHI M70
Hardford S-Plus
- Tabel Size 1000X550 mm
- Load Capacity 2,000kg
- Spindal Speed 10,000-15,000 RPM
- Controller MITSUBISHI M70

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Company growth is more important which in turn brings about the People growth.